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At the ƒxyz Network, we have adopted Neo4j as our primary graph database platform, which enhances our capabilities in graph data science and machine learning. We create our visualizations using Neo4j and employ a variety of graph machine learning algorithms, integrating knowledge graphs with learning management systems and other sophisticated features.

Leveraging Neo4j for Graph Database & Analytics

Harnessing Full Graph Capabilities
We leverage the native graph storage of Neo4j along with its tools for data science, machine learning, analytics, and visualization. This combination enables us to efficiently scale both our transactional and analytical workloads, all while maintaining enterprise-grade security measures.

Learn more about our graph database capabilities

Advancing with Graph Data Science

Enhancing Predictive Models and Insights
Using Neo4j Graph Data Science, we explore and analyze the relationships within connected data. Such analyses improve the accuracy of our machine learning models and contribute to the development of contextual AI, thereby boosting our predictive capabilities.